Friday, March 20, 2020

Distance Learning Update

Congratulations to you all!  We have finished our first week of distance learning and we appreciate your patience and encouragement.  The FPD administrators have been an incredible support to all of the teachers and we would like to publicly thank them for that.  We are also so thankful for each of you and the support you gave your children as they figured out how to complete their schoolwork and continue their learning remotely.

We have a few suggestions to help make this new model as successful as possible for your student(s):

  • Check NetClassroom regularly for assignments and grades.  If you see "M" where you should see a grade, that means the completed work is missing and needs to be submitted by your child.
  • Remind your child that the daily email with assignments is usually sent the night before, so he/she will have to look at yesterday's email messages to see today's work.  The assignment date will be included in the subject line. For example, Monday's assignments will be emailed Sunday night, but the subject line will be "Monday, March 23."
  • Encourage your child to do his/her very best!  Students are being held accountable for the quality of their work, just as they would be if we were on campus for school.
  • Check out the co-curricular teachers' blogs for additional learning games and ideas!  They are working hard to continue the learning opportunities in their areas of expertise while our campus is closed.
We continue to pray for your families!  If there is anything we can do for you, please don't hesitate to send an email!

With Love,
Jessica and Melissa